Most hated characters of Harry Potter series

Harry Potter is filled with so many villains and enemies and I put together a list of the most notable villains. I put together a  list of characters who either bullied the heroes of the story, were death eaters, were characters that helped the villains in some way, or the characters that were just straight up murderous and I ranked them from least evil to the most evil. 

10) Petunia Dursley 
Petunia in my opinion is the least evil of all the villains but she definitely deserves a spot in this list because she bullied Harry for years while raising him. She has a lot of hatred inside of her but unlike others in this list, her hated stems from a rather tragic jealousy of her witch sister Lily. She always wanted to be magical but she obviously she never was. Hey story ended in a positive way though as we found out she kept the blanket Harry arrived in as a baby she left it to him in her will. A final gesture of apology to Harry and her sister Lily.

9) Severus Snape
Yes, Snape. Sure he spent his life protecting Harry but going back, he didn't care what happened to Harry or James. He only cared about Lily. Dumbledore even caught him out on this, using a rare bit of anger as he said that Snape disgusted him. Snape spent any years as a death eater but even after he turned to the good side, he was not good. He was a grown man bullying the hell out of children for no good reason, specifically Neville Longbottom. He did this so much to Neville that Snape was his biggest fear in life and the reason why i said Snape was evil goes back to the students. Snape's student feared him and hated him showing that he did not to any good in their life. Sure, he was brave but bravery does not make you a good person. 

8) Lucius Malfoy 
Lucius was one of the Voldemort's top ranking soldiers which implies he committed some pretty dark deeds to get that high. After being told that Voldemort's diary would open the Chamber of Secrets, he gladly planted the book in Ginny's cauldron knowing full well the results that would follow. He is sick and twisted and had little remorse for his acts. That being said though, he had redemption at the end of the series as he chose his family's well being over Voldemort's pursuit for domination.
7) Peter Pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew was a coward but even more, he was a traitor. He only cared about his own well being and did whatever it took to surround himself with the strongest people he could find, even if that meant sending some of his best friends to their death bed. He also ruined his other best friend's life, framing him for his despicable act and making am innocent Sirius being locked up in azkaban for what was meant to be a life sentence. On top of that, he murdered innocent Cedric diggory. He was without a doubt, worst gryffindor in the series. 

6) Dolores Umbridge
Sure Umridge didn't kill anyone but she enjoyed tormentind whoever she could get her hands on using her own brand of Evil. Umbridge was a psychopath getting joy in children's pain living permanent scars on the back of their hands, manipulating people, Breaking the rules to get whatever she wanted, when she send the dementors to attack Harry. She founded the muggleborn registration act which allowed her to unfairly sentence innocent people time in azkaban with the dementors. It's very reminiscent of real life dictators who sentence innocent people to concentration camps simply for being something that the person in charge didn't like.

5) Augustus Rookwood 
Augustus Rookwood was a double agent during the first wizarding war as he worked for the ministry in the department of mysteries while really being loyal to Voldemort. During the Second wizarding war, he was among the death eaters in the battle of the department of mysteries but perhaps his worst act was causing the death of Fred Weasley. Rookwood was responsible for getting Voldemort on track with stealing the prophecy which concerned the dark lord and Harry Potter. In the battle of the ministry when the order of the Phoenix arrived, he was doing with Kingsley Shacklebolt without his mask on. During the battle of Hogwarts Augustus Rookwood was defeated by Abeforth Dumbledore.

4) Barty Crouch Jr 
Barty Crouch jr was a new breed of messed up people. He helped in torturing of Frank and Alice Longbottom so much that they lost their minds for getting even their own son Neville. Ten  years later he was part of yet another horrid situation. He took over the identity of Mad eye Moody, kept the real Moody locked up for almost an entire year. He showed his great acting skills as he played the part of Moody, fooling everyone including Dumbledore who was a good friend of real Moody. He put the strings of everyone at Hogwarts during the events of the Goblet of Fire. During that time he also murdered his own father, turned him into a bone and buried the bone on the Hogwarts grounds. Barty crouch jr is one twisted man who definitely deserves a spot this high in the list. 

3) Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix is a deranged psychopath who enjoyed torturing and murdering people. She too was involved in the torturing of Frank and Alice that made them lose their mind. Unlike Barty jr, she embraced this and was proud of what she had done as she shouted this out to the entire courtroom during her trial. In fact she was proud of pretty much every despicable act she has ever committed, both big and small. Even just looking at something small like how she laughs and smiles during a duel and kills someone. She is the definition of Evil. In the battle of Hogwarts, she was killed by Molly Weasley.

2) Lord Voldemort
Lord Voldemort had no remorse, no pity, not even an Ounce of guilt as he committed some of the most horrendous acts ever made. He broke the boundaries of dark magic by making more than just one horcrux and dove so far in the dark arts that he untapped unknown power and magic. And there are just so many examples of his sins like hanging a baby rabbit as a child or tormenting those kids in the cave making them never be same again and when he was grown he committed even more sinful acts like killing his father and his Muggle family without a second thought. Treating murder as if it were as common as time your shoe. He went to any length to live and rule forever. Voldemort to many is the most evil villain in the series but we still have one more to go.

1) Fenrir Greyback 
The werewolf Greyback is the most evil person in the Harry Potter series because he goes even further than Voldemort did. Voldemort killed without a second thought but there was always a reason to is, whether it was because he was angry or because it was the only way to his power. Meanwhile Greyback killed for the fun of it and if that doesn't convince you that he's worse than voldemort, he did it to feed his cannibalistic cravings. He especially liked going after children and often times when turning them, his craving for flesh made him go too far and he killed them before they even had a chance to become a werewolf. He was the werewolf that bit Remus Lupin which ruined his life. Greyback did this to at least one kid almost every full moon. But that wasn't enough for him, he had to kick it up a notch. He manifested such a craving for flesh that he began to bite and eat even when it wasn't the full moon, so he was a human eating another human. Greyback is definitely the most evil And twisted character in the series. 
